Tips & Tricks

Our products pack a punch when it comes to features and it would be easy to miss some of them. Here we post helpful tips & tricks about how to use our products & services.

Host your SVN repositories with Codebase

A number of long-time and new customers have been in touch with us recently about the discontinuation of CloudForge and in particular, that they need an alternative place to host...

Master your code with extra tools

With Codebase, you can manage your code and repository changes easily, with a number of different tools included in the web interface.

Branching and Merging

If you're working on a new feature, or pushing a bug fix to your site, branching is a great way to ensure you don't cause any issues with your main...

Using Graphical Interfaces

Interaction with version control systems are often made using a terminal in your operating system. However, some developers may be prefer to user a graphical based interface with their workflow.

How version control works

In this blog post, we'll be outlining a number of key terms that everyone should know when using a version control system in your development workflow.

An introduction to version control

When collaborating with co-workers on a development project, you may have experienced frustrations when someone overwrites your work, or when you have to constantly swap files, or even having to...

Automate Bug Reporting with TestLodge

Testing software and logging bugs takes time. Integrating Codebase with TestLodge can save your team time by making this process more efficient.

Intro to Agile: Part 4 - The Kanban Board

Previously we discussed Time and Effort and how they're used in Codebase as part of the Agile methodology. To finish, we'll be talking about the Kanban Board, a central place...