Notification enhancements

Following the addition of acceptance criteria to Codebase recently, we reviewed our current notifications for email, Slack and Hipchat.

We've now deployed some enhancements to each of those that will now make it easier to identify at a glance the status of a newly created ticket, or one that has been updated, without the need to even load Codebase.


In Slack and Hipchat, Codebase notifications now show you changes with the previous and current status - so you'll see the former assignee, the current assignee, the old status, the new status, and so on.


As always, please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

A little bit about the author

I'm Adam W, or as everyone prefers to call me - Batman. I get a lot of satisfaction out of helping our customers and am committed to making their customer experience as positive as possible. When not offering support to our customers, you'll find me gaming, listening to music or running.

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